Real Time Intelligent Email and Data Verification

Real Time Intelligent Email  and Data Verification
Real Time Intelligent Email and Data Verification

Friday, January 29, 2016

Reasons why you need free IP monitoring

Blogs and websites have become an integral part of many businesses and brands. In a world that has turned into a knowledge and information economy, people value finding information. To understand some more reasons why you need to value your web asset, you should note that:
  •     If you have a site that is slow, you will be penalized by Google in the search results
  •     Statistics indicate that over 90 percent of the purchasing decisions that are made is after an online search
With these two facts, you can now see the reason why you should ensure that your site is always online and performs at an optimum level. When a downtime occurs, an online store will end up losing thousands of dollars in terms of sales. This is why it is important to ensure that you constantly watch your website’s uptime. To prevent the downtime, you will need free IP monitoring. There are also several other advantages of monitoring your website.

Protect your business image

It doesn’t matter whether you have the traditional brick & mortar business or yours is an online business. The reputation of your business will impact its performance. The level of customer satisfaction will affect the image of your brand. If your site experiences frequent downtime, this can end up spoiling your reputation. You should hire the services of IP blacklist check. By monitoring your business, it is possible to prevent unwanted hazards and protect the image of the business.

Keep customers happy

When you talk to your current and repeat customers, you will need to focus on how you should keep the customers happy. This will also work for clients with subscription to product and services. With most of the cloud-based software, there is a need to ensure uptime if your customers will stay happy. For the best in IP  blacklist monitoring, contact Xverify.

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