Real Time Intelligent Email and Data Verification

Real Time Intelligent Email  and Data Verification
Real Time Intelligent Email and Data Verification

Friday, January 8, 2016

The Benefits That Your Business Will Reap From Data Verification Services

Verification of data is important and offers many benefits to businesses. It is a service intended to help verify the data in your database in order to evaluate its authenticity and reliability. But, it is important ton understand what this service is all about.

What is data verification?

Verification of data is considered important to not only businesses, but every entity in the world. You feel more confident and secure if you are sure that the data you rely on, for your communications and statistics is reliable. Every business has data that needs to be verified. It could be emails, and phone addresses among others. All the data that you have in business can be checked for accuracy and precision.

The following are the benefits that your business will reap from data verification services

Better marketing results:

With phone verification and address verification services, you can improve the success of your marketing efforts. You will be able to verify the data you have in your records, and thus you are very sure that the accounts you sent emails to, and the phones and other addresses are truly in existence. If you send emails to accounts that are verified, there will more deliverability, and thus you will be able to reach the targeted audience.

Better reputation:

Reputation is very important to every business. If you send emails to non-existent addresses, chances are that they will not be delivered, and that will have negative effect on the reputation of your IP, and the business in general. The verification of data helps get rid of all spam emails and other non-existent emails, addresses and phone numbers from your database. With the service, you are assured that you will have a lean and efficient contacts and addressees list, comprised of real individuals and business, but not robots.

There are various providers of this service in the market, but you need to choose one that is reliable. It is recommended that you go for that service provider which offers comprehensive package for verification of data, not just emails. For savings, you may ask for quotes from two to three companies and choose the affordable, but high quality service suited to your needs.

Xverify is a leading email verification service provider that verification of emails instant, real-time and easy since it can be online.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting information.I would like to recommend . I had good accuracy for detecting spam traps, invalid, do not mail, catch-all and abuse emails at competitive prices. The API is available for real-time validation and comes in different wrappers like Java, PHP, C# and others. Now with full GDPR compliance they have a strict privacy policy that ensures no data is shared with any entities.
    Best regards!
